Mainly dry with varying cloud and sunny spells on Thursday, however a few isolated showers are possible, these occurring mainly in Connacht and Ulster. Lowest temperatures of 5 to 8 degrees, colder in isolated spots in Leinster and Munster. Some patches of mist and fog will form as southerly winds ease light to moderate, while winds remain strong along Atlantic coasts. Rain will clear eastern areas tonight with dry and clear weather in most areas overnight. Sign up to receive email alerts when severe weather happens in your area. Highest temperatures of 14 to 17 degrees. Zoom in to your street or out to your region and view past and futurecast radar. See live weather reports, wind speed & waves for kite- & windsurfing, sailing, fishing & hiking. It will become blustery or windy as south to southeast winds increase fresh to strong and gusty possibly squally at times, and winds will reach gale force at times along some coasts. Wind map with live wind radar & worldwide wind forecast. The rain will be heavy at times with some localised downpours and isolated thunder. Peer-reviewed journal articles by Met Éireann staff membersĪ band of rain extends from the west through this afternoon and moves eastwards across the country. It will alert you to severe weather where ever you are in the world.

Doppler observations can also reveal the presence of flocks of birds over Port Phillip Bay, which appear as thin lines, and generally have a higher velocity than the surrounding area.Past Weather Agrometeorological Bulletins The KLFY Weather App is the most advanced weather app you can have on your phone. These appear as radials of incorrect Doppler velocities in the area to the northeast of the radar. These echoes may be distinguished from rain as they do not move with the wind and end abruptly at the shoreline of the bay.Doppler observations are occasionally affected by multi path reflections off Melbourne City buildings and approaching rain bands. Because the radar has an unobstructed view of Port Phillip Bay out to about 25km, sea-clutter may be seen over the bay during strong winds. These usually become more noticeable on cold, clear, winter nights or early winter mornings. These echoes usually occur along ridges and peaks as isolated, stationary patches, being most common near the Yarra Ranges to the ENE and Mount Macedon to the north. Occasionally, some permanent echoes will not be completely removed from the display. Non-meteorological aspects In most cases the processing of the radar signal removes permanent echoes caused by obstructions such as hills, buildings and other solid objects rather than rainfall. National and Local Weather Radar, Daily Forecast, Hurricane and information from The Weather Channel and Top Stories Two Rounds of Snow on the Way Heres What To Know This Beach Only. The location on the floor of a wide basin is ideal for Doppler observations which provide wind speed information. Similarly, cold fronts and associated rain and thunderstorms approaching from the northwest, through west and south are well detected. Summer thunderstorms that develop on the surrounding hills and mountains may be observed in detail. The high ground from the east, through north and to the south west tends to obscure shallow rain falling further away. Meteorological Aspects The radar is well sited to provide very good coverage for the Greater Melbourne Metropolitan Area. The most significant obstructions, starting from the east, are: Mt Dandenong 644m high, 53km to the east Yarra ranges 1219m, 83km to ENE Mt Macedon 1013m, 56km to the north Pentland Hills 763m and the Brisbane ranges 421m, 45km from the NNW through to the west and the You Yangs 363m, 30km to the SW. Welcome to our WARN radar Use the layer tools to see the data you want. taken to obtain improved coverage of every area of the United States.

The Great Dividing Range dominates the topography from the east, through the north to the west. Which current network radar - designated Weather Station Offices will not be. The radar is on a tower 24m above ground level. Chairman, my primary problem in my area has to do with the Department of Defense - run radar. Geographical Situation The radar is situated on the western plains of the Melbourne basin some 19km west-south-west of the Central Business District, about six kilometres from the western shores of Port Phillip bay and on a low rise about 20m above mean sea level. Melbourne Weather Watch RadarVictoria VIC -37.852°S 144.752☎ 14m AMSL LocationĪpproximately 19km WSW of Melbourne's CBD