This hilariously extra anime follows Kaguya and Miyuki’s high-stakes competition to force the other to confess their true feelings. Season 1 is now dubbed and Season 2 has subs and dubsīack in the 1850s, old Francis Edward Smedley could have never imagined that his famous “All is fair in love and war” saying would be twisted into one of the most popular rom-coms of the 21st century. Unfortunately, there’s no news on a second season yet, but you can always see where the story goes by reading the manga.Īlso new to Crunchyroll: Goblin Slayer Kaguya-sama: Love is War It’s a crazy series with an unexpectedly engaging story that is well worth the quick watch.
The similarly super-powered people he meets along the way are sometimes less than friendly and other times more than forward. You might have missed this recent cult-classic, but word to the wise, the bloody faceoffs in Gleipnirare a lot! It’s all about a regular high schooler who can inexplicably become a kind of mascot-looking monster with a giant gun and a zipper down his back. If you’re a new fan or you aren’t feeling nostalgic, there’s a lot to love across all three seasons. It had its own popular anime in the early 2000s, but Crunchyroll just added the newer adaptation from 2019 that made Fruits Basket a smash hit all over again. Fruits Basket is a best-selling and beloved romantic comedy with a deeply emotional and mature core. While DBZ, Pokémon, and Sailor Moon were busy dominating our airwaves, a shojo manga was quietly selling millions of volumes to fans across the US. For all its goofiness and the glacial pacing, it’s the English cast that makes this a nostalgic powerhouse perfect for jumping back into.Īlso new to Crunchyroll: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball GT Fruits Basket Even the narrator had a classic part to play with his delightfully put-on recaps and dramatic previews for the next episode.
The iconic English cast was appropriately silly and equally loud when it came time to scream and power up. Simply put, us Americans would not be into anime today if Toonami never ran Dragon Ball Z after school five days a week. And if Netflix’s ill-fated live-action adaptation didn’t quite do it for you, the original is here waiting for you.Īlso new to Crunchyroll: Samurai Champloo Fans in the US were introduced to the series when it premiered in English on Adult Swim 20-odd years ago and it still is regarded as one of the best anime dubs ever. Pretty much every aspect of the show, from its sound design to its color palette to its hard-boiled action, is undeniably cool and instantly recognizable. It’s a stylish neo-noir that follows two down-and-out bounty hunters bopping around a down-and-out solar system in search of their next big payday. When it comes to classic anime, you really cannot top Cowboy Bebop. Thankfully the addition of over 150 dubbed episodes is the perfect remedy for fans unable to get past the nails-on-a-chalkboard aural assault of the original.Īlso new to Crunchyroll: Fairy Tail Cowboy Bebop The only big-big issue is how loud and grating the main character sounds in the original Japanese version. It taps into every cliche in the book, but it’s well worth the watch with its gorgeously realized visuals, relatably chummy characters, and an endless supply of hype moments. Wizards fighting each other is pretty much everything there is to Black Cloverand it’s incredible.